Want to be more productive? Start by managing your emotions

Embrace the transformative potential of your emotions and watch your productivity and fulfillment soar to new heights.

Exhausted yet invigorated, I returned from a weekend with my developmentally disabled brother, Chris. The emotions that stir within me when I see Chris are always a whirlwind, but this particular visit had been an extraordinary source of inspiration.

Chris and I visited Baltimore's renowned kinetic sculpture race, a spectacle that brings together ingenious handcrafted mobiles traversing water, mud, and land. Sponsored by the American Visionary Art Museum, the event is known for showcasing creations by untrained artists. Let me tell you; it exceeded all expectations.

We stood in awe as these whimsical contraptions—some seemingly held together by mere duct tape—defied the odds. They triumphantly conquered muddy hills, gracefully glided up and down slopes, and showcased the most extraordinary designs. Among our favorites were the alligator, Fiffi (the pink dog), and Baltimore's homage to King Charles' coronation. 

Adding to the enchantment, the museum encourages attendees to dress up for the occasion. When I proposed the idea to Chris and his best friend Arthur, they enthusiastically agreed. We found pirate outfits that perfectly captured our adventurous spirit. Dressed in our swashbuckling attire, we became the center of attention. The people of Baltimore embraced our costumes and enthusiastically greeted us with cries of "Ahoy, Matey!" and playful inquiries about hidden treasures. We even practiced our pirate banter, which was especially challenging for Arthur, who possesses a heart brimming with kindness. As the day progressed, we grew proficient at a deeper, more “pirate-y” tone.

Back at work on Monday, a newfound energy surged within me. I felt unshakable and ready to tackle any obstacle before me. The fear of failure no longer held me back, replaced by a spirit of bold experimentation. The liveliness of that remarkable weekend carried into my professional endeavors.

The words of Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman echoed in my mind, reminding me that positive emotions open doors to boundless possibilities:

When you’re experiencing a negative emotion, the thoughts available to your mind are limited, yielding fixated and more predictable thinking and action. When you’re experiencing a positive emotion, more possibilities come into your view. Positive emotions produce patterns of thought that are notably unusual, flexible, and inclusive, creative and receptive and lead to more creative action

—Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., Transforming Anxiety, 2006, page 56

With my creative spark reignited, I embarked on my tasks with a renewed sense of purpose. My experience with Chris illuminated the transformative power of embracing life's adventures, celebrating each moment, and allowing our emotions to guide us toward greater productivity and fulfillment.

A week later, one of my mentees, Divya, invited me to join her in an African dance class. Despite my busy schedule, I instinctively said "yes" to this opportunity.

It had been over a decade since my last African Dance class, but I burst into a huge grin as the music pulsed through the room. I couldn't suppress laughter at my awkwardness. I felt like a giraffe, attempting to mimic the graceful strides of the other dancers. Meanwhile, Divya effortlessly glided across the floor with remarkable elegance. Even as I stumbled, I surrendered to the joy and spontaneity of each step. The revitalization I felt after the dance class propelled me forward with resilience and adaptability.

The next day at work, I was immersed in a series of demanding meetings. Surprisingly, each interaction seemed to flow effortlessly. The rhythm of the dance imprinted itself on my mindset, empowering me to navigate through the complexities with grace and poise.

Later that week, I had the privilege of leading a time management seminar for perfectionists. The room was filled with vibrant, ambitious young women in their 30s and 40s, all deeply immersed in the world of business.

The purpose of this session was to untangle the web of perfectionism from the concept of "good enough" or what I fondly refer to as the "situational win." As we gathered, I invited them to share their aspirations for the session, knowing that the overwhelming challenge we faced was juggling an abundance of tasks within the constraints of limited time. 

We explored the notion that while perfection is crucial in domains such as surgical procedures or meticulous accounting, it is vital to determine what level of achievement is sufficient to attain the desired outcome in many other contexts. The pursuit of perfection often accompanies negative emotions. The unattainable nature of perfection perpetuates the feeling of never measuring up. As someone who has embarked on the journey of recovering from perfectionism myself, this sentiment struck a chord with me.

Together, we arrived at the true revelation, recognizing that our mood profoundly influences our energy levels. The participants gained a newfound understanding that recalibration and celebration after completing tasks are essential for nurturing a positive state of mind. It marked a paradigm shift in how they approached life.

Instead of constantly fixating on the unfinished aspects of their day, they learned to take a few minutes to analyze what transpired, identify the specific reasons behind unfinished tasks or mistakes, and devise strategies to rectify them. Furthermore, they were encouraged to bask in the achievement when they triumphantly checked off an item from their to-do list.

Whether it meant hula hooping with joy (my personal favorite), sharing the good news with a nearby colleague, stepping out of their office for a brief walk, calling a friend, or indulging in a cup of tea or coffee, these moments of pause infuses their beings with positive emotions, ultimately leaving them feeling revitalized and significantly more productive.

In my own experience—and when working with my clients—I have observed a powerful correlation between intentionally cultivating a positive and playful mood and the ability to accomplish what truly matters. I now ask them: What actions do you take to propel yourself into a state of positivity and playfulness?

Join me in embracing this transformative approach! Let's explore how you can channel positive emotions to unlock your productivity potential.

We can redefine perfectionism and cultivate a more fulfilling and effective approach to our work.


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