Organizational Savvy:
How to Make an Impact
This intriguing seminar is based on a study that originated at Yale University. Researchers tracked successful individuals in large organizations from 1985 to 2005 and discovered clear characteristics which distinguish professionals who achieve positive impact on a large scale from their less influential counterparts. The program examines the following techniques as critical for consistent success:
Presenting new ideas or different points of view
Developing a base of support
Reducing risk in large organizations
You will gain an expert’s perspective on how organizations really function and how high-impact corporate professionals work behind the scenes to gain acceptance of their ideas by colleagues and influence leaders within their organization. This seminar is based on the book, Political Savvy, by Joel DeLuca, a former Wharton business school professor, and has been run at top business schools and large companies around the world.
Target Audience: Emerging and high potential professionals and can be tailored to an all-female audience
Delivery: Two-hour program includes a poll on organizational savvy practices, summary of research and key tools, case studies, and examples of how to expand your influence and form a strategic network. Small groups will be formed to practice the techniques.